Thursday, 7 June 2007

Jonah 2 - You Can Be Devoted And Still Miss The Boat


Jonah 2 (the entire chapter)


It is interesting to note that while Jonah is fully devoted to God... he is so cold to the Lost and the perishing!


Just because I feel the fuzzies during my devotions, doesn't necessarily mean that I am following God!
His will is plain... that none should perish. I am to seek out and save the Lost!
Am I seeking? Could I even be bothered to look?
How much of my time and money is spent on the Lost?
Am I carrying God's heart?


Dear Dad...
I don't want to spend my life thinking that I'm doing what pleases You only to find that I missed the boat. I know that the greatest worship I can give to You is seeing another person come to worship You!
I missed the boat again tonight... by not ringing my mate. Lord, please don't let me go through another day without dis-ease for the lost!
Give me your heart. Your priorities.


Jeremy Sargent said...

right on the money honey!!!
excellent stuff
Gifted,called ,but wrong focused ..
would I be able to post this for the next 3 word on hereiamsendme
its a fantastic thought what you have to say
Keep up the great work !!!11

Paul's Thoughts said...
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