Sunday, 24 June 2007

John 12:27 - Embrace The Storm


Joh 12:27 MSG
(27) "Right now I am storm-tossed. And what am I going to say? 'Father, get me out of this'? No, this is why I came in the first place.


In our culture of seeking comfort above all else, how strange are Jesus' words. Why wouldn't you want to get a 'Get Out Of Storm Free' card? How often do we plea with God when we are faced with challenges... and yes, even blame and curse God for our storms.

Yet Jesus understood that the storm / challenge was not to be fought... but embraced. It was destiny. It freed Jesus into what the Father had prepared for Him.


When I face my challenges this week... will I thank God that He can use them to fulfill His plans in my life?

Can I give up the temptation to live a life of ease?


Loving Father, please help me to have the understanding and insight that Jesus had when He was faced with trials and challenges.
May I see your loving hand... working in me through the challenge... making me the man you have called me to be.

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