Tuesday, 5 June 2007

For it is God!


He gives us more and more strength to stand against such evil desires.
As the Scriptures say,
"God sets Himself against the proud, but He shows favor to the humble.''
James 4:6


The strength that I need to resist my selfish sin... is not found in my will... but in my humility!
I need to stop trying to change... and ask Jesus to change me from the inside out by the Holy Spirit.

As Pastor Nick always says, "Living a Christian life is impossible... without God."


I need to daily (and even more often than that) submit my character and will to Christ.
I need to ask for the fruit of the Holy Spirit in my life.
When I fail... I need not beat myself up... but turn to Jesus and ask for His help.


Dad, would you help my character. My true desire is to be more like you... but I need you to change me from the inside out. I can not do it in my own ability / power.
Help my anger at bad drivers, help my hard hardheartedness towards giving and to those that I don't know. Help me to be patient with people... and to love them.
Especially help my arrogant pride... so often I try to do things in my own strength... help me to lean on You.
Help me to love You... to pursue You daily.
I love You so...

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