Thank you to all of you who have visited this blog.
This is the end of my SOAP blog for now. I trust that you received encouragement and were shown the ropes of how to SOAP.
If you have enjoyed this blog then check out my other blog here.
Godspeed & Kaizan
Wednesday, 4 July 2007
Tuesday, 3 July 2007
John 21:20-22 - Don't Compare Yourself!
Joh 21:20-22 MSG
(20) Turning his head, Peter noticed the disciple Jesus loved following right behind.
(21) When Peter noticed him, he asked Jesus, "Master, what's going to happen to him?"
(22) Jesus said, "If I want him to live until I come again, what's that to you? You--follow me."
Why is it that we always want to compare ourselves with others?
Why do we use others as a compass for what we 'should' be doing?
Perhaps its because others are an easy comparison?
Well easier than following God's still small voice for your own life.
Perhaps its because we find comfort in being like others?
Perhaps its because we want to be liked by others?
But Jesus tells us to NOT compare ourselves!
Its dangerous for your destiny to 'fit' into the status quo anyways!
Am I comparing myself, my ministry, my relationships to others?
If so, why?
Do I know and have a clear picture of what God wants for my life... and who He wants me to be?
Father, thank you that I was not made in a cookie cutter!
Thank you that have a destiny that was crafted specifically with me in mind.
Help me to follow Your leading, to know Your ways.
May I not feel insecure... build me up with the knowledge of who I am in You and who You are in me.
May I boldly follow the path that You have set for me.
Joh 21:20-22 MSG
(20) Turning his head, Peter noticed the disciple Jesus loved following right behind.
(21) When Peter noticed him, he asked Jesus, "Master, what's going to happen to him?"
(22) Jesus said, "If I want him to live until I come again, what's that to you? You--follow me."
Why is it that we always want to compare ourselves with others?
Why do we use others as a compass for what we 'should' be doing?
Perhaps its because others are an easy comparison?
Well easier than following God's still small voice for your own life.
Perhaps its because we find comfort in being like others?
Perhaps its because we want to be liked by others?
But Jesus tells us to NOT compare ourselves!
Its dangerous for your destiny to 'fit' into the status quo anyways!
Am I comparing myself, my ministry, my relationships to others?
If so, why?
Do I know and have a clear picture of what God wants for my life... and who He wants me to be?
Father, thank you that I was not made in a cookie cutter!
Thank you that have a destiny that was crafted specifically with me in mind.
Help me to follow Your leading, to know Your ways.
May I not feel insecure... build me up with the knowledge of who I am in You and who You are in me.
May I boldly follow the path that You have set for me.
Saturday, 30 June 2007
John 20:14 - Do You See Jesus?
Joh 20:14 MSG
(14) After she said this, she turned away and saw Jesus standing there. But she didn't recognize him.
I wonder how many times that I have not recognized Jesus?
Mary had failed to recognize Jesus in His resurrection form... but I wonder how many times I have not recognized Him in the form of other human beings?
Each human is made in the image of God... they carry something of God.
In Matt 25 we are warned that what we do and don't do to others (people who all carry God's image within them) we do or don't do it to Jesus!
Have you seen the movie Bruce Almighty? I love the different forms that God takes on... a
cleaner, a bum, etc. These forms actually prevented Bruce from recognizing Him.
I wonder how many times I have just not recognized God in others...
He speaks through them, He teaches through them, He loves through them!
How can I ensure that I take in 'Jesus'?
How can I be aware of his presence in others?
First I must respect that everyone is made in God's image. Everyone therefore deserves respect, dignity and honor.
Second, I must ask Jesus to 'open' my eyes.
Third, I need to look. To pause and question what I see.
Father, help me to see You.
May I recognize You, and honor You.
Help me to see your image in others, to respect and honor that.
May I be open to your voice and instruction, to your mercy and grace from others.
Joh 20:14 MSG
(14) After she said this, she turned away and saw Jesus standing there. But she didn't recognize him.
I wonder how many times that I have not recognized Jesus?
Mary had failed to recognize Jesus in His resurrection form... but I wonder how many times I have not recognized Him in the form of other human beings?
Each human is made in the image of God... they carry something of God.
In Matt 25 we are warned that what we do and don't do to others (people who all carry God's image within them) we do or don't do it to Jesus!
Have you seen the movie Bruce Almighty? I love the different forms that God takes on... a

I wonder how many times I have just not recognized God in others...
He speaks through them, He teaches through them, He loves through them!
How can I ensure that I take in 'Jesus'?
How can I be aware of his presence in others?
First I must respect that everyone is made in God's image. Everyone therefore deserves respect, dignity and honor.
Second, I must ask Jesus to 'open' my eyes.
Third, I need to look. To pause and question what I see.
Father, help me to see You.
May I recognize You, and honor You.
Help me to see your image in others, to respect and honor that.
May I be open to your voice and instruction, to your mercy and grace from others.
Friday, 29 June 2007
John 19:11 - All Authority Is God Given And Ordained
Joh 19:11 MSG
(11) Jesus said, "You haven't a shred of authority over me except what has been given you from heaven. That's why the one who betrayed me to you has committed a far greater fault."
Even though it seemed that everything was going to pieces... Jesus confidently let Pilate know that all was according to plan.
In fact Jesus went so far as to tell Pilate that he was placed in authority by God himself!
Not only did God place Pilate in authority... but his authority flowed from God Himself.
I suppose the part that I battle with here is the 'all'.
There are so many governmental authorities that I disagree with... people I'm even tempted to think would be better off dead!
Hitler... Robert Mugabe... Sudam Hussein... and countless others...
But then I hear the confidence in Jesus voice... and I her the ring of that word, 'all'.
I need to speak positively about my socialist non-Christian government.
Jesus has placed them there. I may disagree, and vote for others... but while they are in power... its God - ordained. I must rest in the knowledge that God is in control... and He has a plan.
Help me father... when my eyes see only this world and I think 'boy do we have problems here!'
Let me see that You are in control.
Help me when I find it difficult, when my heart gets hardened...
May I see your hand in everything... in 'all'.
Joh 19:11 MSG
(11) Jesus said, "You haven't a shred of authority over me except what has been given you from heaven. That's why the one who betrayed me to you has committed a far greater fault."
Even though it seemed that everything was going to pieces... Jesus confidently let Pilate know that all was according to plan.
In fact Jesus went so far as to tell Pilate that he was placed in authority by God himself!
Not only did God place Pilate in authority... but his authority flowed from God Himself.
I suppose the part that I battle with here is the 'all'.
There are so many governmental authorities that I disagree with... people I'm even tempted to think would be better off dead!
Hitler... Robert Mugabe... Sudam Hussein... and countless others...
But then I hear the confidence in Jesus voice... and I her the ring of that word, 'all'.
I need to speak positively about my socialist non-Christian government.
Jesus has placed them there. I may disagree, and vote for others... but while they are in power... its God - ordained. I must rest in the knowledge that God is in control... and He has a plan.
Help me father... when my eyes see only this world and I think 'boy do we have problems here!'
Let me see that You are in control.
Help me when I find it difficult, when my heart gets hardened...
May I see your hand in everything... in 'all'.
Thursday, 28 June 2007
Joh 18:1-2 MSG
(1) Jesus, having prayed this prayer, left with his disciples and crossed over the brook Kidron at a place where there was a garden. He and his disciples entered it.
(2) Judas, his betrayer, knew the place because Jesus and his disciples went there often.
Judus didn't know Jesus' plans... but he knew Jesus routine.
Do I have a routine of prayer and devotions?
Would people know where to come and find me?
How interesting that at this time of great stress... Jesus was found in a place of prayer and devotion.
Where am I to be found?
Do my routines declare my devotion and faith in God?
Where am I found in tough or pressing times?
Save me from trying to 'save' myself...
Help me to press into You when times are tough and when times are good!
Increase my passion and desire for You.
May You be my air!
Joh 18:1-2 MSG
(1) Jesus, having prayed this prayer, left with his disciples and crossed over the brook Kidron at a place where there was a garden. He and his disciples entered it.
(2) Judas, his betrayer, knew the place because Jesus and his disciples went there often.
Judus didn't know Jesus' plans... but he knew Jesus routine.
Do I have a routine of prayer and devotions?
Would people know where to come and find me?
How interesting that at this time of great stress... Jesus was found in a place of prayer and devotion.
Where am I to be found?
Do my routines declare my devotion and faith in God?
Where am I found in tough or pressing times?
Save me from trying to 'save' myself...
Help me to press into You when times are tough and when times are good!
Increase my passion and desire for You.
May You be my air!
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
John 17:7 - A Gift!
John 17:7 CEV
Now they know that everything I have is a gift from You.
The air I breathe...
The job I have...
my house...
my wife...
my kids...
my body...
my hair...
my humor...
my challenges...
my shortcomings...
Everything ... a gift?
How would this truth change my perceptions if I grasped it?
How thankful... joyful... humbled... positive... would I be?
Each day I need to practice thanking God for as many 'gifts' as I can... not just in one setting... but all throughout the day.
Especially for my challenges!
Thank you for my numerous... even limitless gifts that You have given to me.
Help me to recognize these gifts... to celebrate these gifts.
Help me to see... change me...
Thank you Lord
John 17:7 CEV
Now they know that everything I have is a gift from You.
The air I breathe...
The job I have...
my house...
my wife...
my kids...
my body...
my hair...
my humor...
my challenges...
my shortcomings...
Everything ... a gift?
How would this truth change my perceptions if I grasped it?
How thankful... joyful... humbled... positive... would I be?
Each day I need to practice thanking God for as many 'gifts' as I can... not just in one setting... but all throughout the day.
Especially for my challenges!
Thank you for my numerous... even limitless gifts that You have given to me.
Help me to recognize these gifts... to celebrate these gifts.
Help me to see... change me...
Thank you Lord
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
John 16:2, 33 - Trouble Is Gauranteed, But So Is Victory!
Joh 16:2 MSG
(2) They are going to throw you out of the meeting places. There will even come a time when anyone who kills you will think he's doing God a favor.
Joh 16:33 MSG
(33) I've told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I've conquered the world."
Why is it that when hard times come, I get so flustered and upset with God?
I am promised that the one thing that I an count on... is trouble!
In fact, this trouble will even come from religious people... even those closest to me!
I can take heart in two things:
1) The are not rejecting me... its really Christ that they are rejecting
2) My God can use what was meant for harm and turn it round for His good and glory!
I need to expect trouble.
I must recognize that my God can work all things to good (Rom 8:28)! I must declare this in faith!
Truly, we serve an awesome and wondrous God.
Your Name is so far above anything else.
How can I ever comprehend your brilliance?
Help me to never loose sight of your bigness and brilliance.
Joh 16:2 MSG
(2) They are going to throw you out of the meeting places. There will even come a time when anyone who kills you will think he's doing God a favor.
Joh 16:33 MSG
(33) I've told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I've conquered the world."
Why is it that when hard times come, I get so flustered and upset with God?
I am promised that the one thing that I an count on... is trouble!
In fact, this trouble will even come from religious people... even those closest to me!
I can take heart in two things:
1) The are not rejecting me... its really Christ that they are rejecting
2) My God can use what was meant for harm and turn it round for His good and glory!
I need to expect trouble.
I must recognize that my God can work all things to good (Rom 8:28)! I must declare this in faith!
Truly, we serve an awesome and wondrous God.
Your Name is so far above anything else.
How can I ever comprehend your brilliance?
Help me to never loose sight of your bigness and brilliance.
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